Rules and Regulations for the DC Trip
- Since the Washington, D.C., trip is a school sponsored activity, all rules and regulations as stated in the Student Handbook apply for the duration of the trip.
- Possession and/or use of cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, look-alike drugs, or drugs will result in immediate disciplinary action. All and any type of medication must be registered with the school nurse.
- All students must remain with their chaperone in the group to which they are assigned.
- Money or other valuables should not be left in hotel rooms or on the bus. Students are responsible for their own possessions and they will not be cared for by the chaperones.
- All adults (tour guides, bus drivers) on the trip should be treated with the same respect as teachers and their instructions are to be obeyed.
- No standing or walking around on the bus.
- Cards, magazines, books, games, i-pods, etc. may be used on the bus going to and from Washington and in your hotel rooms only.
- Trash bags will be provided on the bus -- USE THEM.
- All students must be in their assigned rooms as soon as we arrive at the hotel and must remain in their assigned room until morning.
- The hotel rooms will be checked before you arrive and upon your departure. You will be held responsible for any damages or missing articles, including towels, lamps, etc. If there is any damage or missing articles when you enter your room, notify a teacher/chaperon immediately.
- Keep your room locked and the key on your person at all times.
- Respect the rights of the other guests at the hotel. This means:
A) No disrespectful remarks or behavior toward other guests or hotel employees;
B) No running, other loud or disruptive behavior in the halls;
C) In your room, keep noise to a minimum. No running, jumping, or wrestling. Take showers, etc., early. Talking and laughing should not be loud enough to disturb other guests.
FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE RULES AND REGULATIONS MAY RESULT IN: A) An early return from the trip; or B) Disciplinary action upon return to school.