5th to 6th
6th to 7th
7th to 8th
Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe but the time is coming to start thinking about your student’s move to 8th grade. I will be meeting with students during their World Studies classes the week of February 3rd to discuss scheduling with them and distribute scheduling packets and information.
Mrs. Jenny Nicely
Winter Parent/Teacher Conferences
Winter parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday, January 30th and Tuesday, February 11th from 3:15-6:45 both evenings. If you would like to schedule a conference, you can either contact me directly by email or you can sign-up on the Google form that will be sent out in Mr. Bartha's weekly parent update.
Student Presentation Schedule
- Tuesday, February 4 - Mrs. Breakey’s Classes
- Wednesday, February 5 - Mr. Chamber’s Classes
- Thursday, February 6 - Mr. Crist’s Class
- Friday, February 7 - Mrs. Lucas’ Classes
Important Deadlines
- Friday, February 14 - CBI Application due to Mrs. Wright (see below for more information).
- Friday, February 21 - All paper scheduling forms and online applications for French and Spanish due. Late applications may not be considered. Scheduling forms can be dropped off in the baskets in World Studies classrooms or hand delivered to Mrs. Nicely beginning the day after your student’s scheduling presentation.
Math and Science
Students will be placed in the appropriate math course based on current placements and performance, standardized test scores and teacher recommendation. Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 and Geometry are offered to 8th graders; students will earn one high school math credit upon successful completion of Algebra or Geometry.
For those students who qualify for advanced science, Physical Science, also a high school credit course, is an option in 8th grade. No application is needed; students will be placed in this course based on current class placement, test scores and teacher recommendation. A separate notification letter will be sent home this spring to eligible students.
World Language Option
Your student may wish to apply for French 1 or Spanish 1, a fifth core class for which students can earn one high school elective credit. Students must meet certain eligibility requirements outlined on the form that will be sent home.
Online applications for French and Spanish will be due by Friday, February 21st. Late applications may not be considered.
Career-Based Intervention (CBI)
Your student may be interested in the Career-Based Intervention Program. This program, affiliated with the Delaware Area Career Center (DACC), includes a hands-on CBI class as well as a work period for which students earn a small paycheck. Your student will receive more information about this program and must apply if interested.
CBI applications will be due to Mrs. Wright, CBI instructor, by Friday, February 14th.
8th to 9th
If you would like to speak to a Hayes counselor about anything 9th grade related, please see the appropriate contact below.
Hayes Counselor Information
Last Names: A - Di (Grades 9-12)
Mrs. Sarah Stevenson
Last Names: Do - K (Grades 9-12)
Mrs. Jennifer Shonebarger
Last Names: L - Ri (Grades 9-12)
Mrs. Libby Iacavone
Last Names: Ro - Z (Grades 9-12)
Mr. Christian Jamal
College & Career Counselor
Mrs. Jennifer Pollard